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Website Optimized Solution

Optimized Web Designs
According to studies by Microsoft and Harvard University, you have less than four seconds to fully load your site before your visitor will move on. You have less than eight seconds to capture their full attention before they will click away. This does not seem like a long time, but if you invest in website optimization, it turns into a lifetime.
Speed means everything when you are trying to build or expand an online audience. The culture of instant choice demands that you give your prospects your products as soon as they click to them. You have no room for hiccups or lag.
Entrust your website optimization to the dedicated experts at Optimized Web Designs. We have done the research. We have the experience. We know how to cut down on your coding, apps and c to give you the streamlined website that will keep your audience where they belong – with you
The Pricing Tables Small Headline
Put a bit of sales copy above your pricing tables. The buttons beneath these three tables need editing to link to your services or product pages.
How We Do It
We hone our efforts to synchronize you with the top search engine.
There are three major search engines, but the one that you really need to worry about is Google. Depending on who you ask, Google controls anywhere from 40% to 70% of the total traffic on the Internet. If you do not do well in Google search rankings, your website may as well not be on the World Wide Web.
Speed is a huge component of how Google lists your website within its search rankings. The faster your site is, the more that Google trusts it. We know how to sync things with this important site - we have been doing it for years.
You maintain the look of your site.
You can get great speed without losing all of your add ons and extras. You do not have to change the look of your website if you have a brand image that you must keep to. We will work around the most important brand items on your site and code them in ways that use less resources; thus, they will load faster.
We will utilize the latest tools for your website optimization.
We use WordPress Genesis to redesign many websites that webmasters think cannot be optimized any more. On the contrary! There is always a way to cut away the fat. You just need the right tools to do so. Would you try to shave away at a rack of lamb with a dull spoon
Contact Us
Give us a call or an email today if your site is not loading the way that it should. We will take your site speed to the next level so that you can synchronize with Google and make your site visitors happy. We are ready to help with website optimization for the 21st century!